Day 43 – Oct 18, 2017 – Yorktown, MD

There was a flotilla of fishing/crab boats in the outer harbour when we left this morning. I counted 40 but there may have been more. I was on crab pot watch until we got into deeper water, I’m totally paranoid about them now.

There was very little wind so we motor sailed on and off. The current was not with us either but it wasn’t against us big time. It’s quite a long trek to the marina once we turned from the Bay towards Yorkton so we didn’t get there until a bit after 2pm. We had an almost oops moment when we came got  close to the slips. We were about to go on the wrong side of a caution buoy but luckily a guy on boat nearby called to warn us. Our keel did touch but we managed to quickly reverse and avoid a call to Boat US to tow us off 🙂

I went to pick up a rental car while Bob made plans with the Marina manager to work on a solution to our non-emptying head tank and our noisy water pump. We drove down to the  historic waterfront to have dinner at the Yorktown Pub – a cool spot.

Yorktown was an important place in both the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War. We hope to tour the battlefields and the historic town tomorrow.






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