Day 67 – Nov 11, 2017 – Beaufort SC

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr – woke up to 47F/8C. It was a bit warmer inside the boat but only around 57F – we are very glad we bought the little propane heater.  The water temp is in the low 70s so that helps keep the boat warmer than the outside temp. The winds really picked up part way through the night so the boat was bouncing around a bit even though it was well tied down.  The winds were howling on and off with the gusts and there was a slapping halyard out there – not ours – so all in all not a quiet night.

We got more laundry done and Bob installed a new water filter with only minimal swearing. The morning excitement was pulling our boat to the inside dock beside where we were the last two nights. A forty foot trawler was coming in this morning and they had booked it to our spot before we decided to stay for one more night.  All went well, Bob and three other guys pulled the boat around the corner while I stood by with a just-in-case fender.

We made use of the courtesy car again this aft and had dinner at the restaurant beside the marina. The winds have calmed down so it should be a much quieter night. We’re off to an anchorage tomorrow.




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