Ah, a lovely quiet night on the boat and in the morning the marina dropped off a paper and two muffins. Too bad I didn’t see the bag, they left it on the outside of the boat without knocking, until I had finished my coffee.
We used the courtesy car to visit the grocery store and the hardware store. We broke down and bought a small ceramic heater that we can use when were at marinas. Of course the weather will start to seriously warm up now that we got this plug in heater. We don’t like to use the propane heater for too long as it does emit an odour and is meant for much larger areas but it has been really good to take the chill off the cabin when we first get up.
This area was the site of large cotton and rice plantations complete with slave labour. There was a historic park near by with are two small slave cabins but they were closed today. Oh well, at least we got a nice walk out of it. The trees with moss hanging off the branches are gorgeous but we both agreed they could look creepy at night, especially in poorly lit areas.

We enjoyed our ceramic heater tonight !