Day 74 – Nov 18, 2017 – Brunswick, GA

We went for a longish walk to West Marine, which didn’t have what Bob wanted but it was an interesting walk. Most of it was through residential areas that seemed to be all African American families. It was a mix of small houses, some not in great shape and slightly bigger houses in better shape once we got closer to the mall. We passed quite a few small churches which all appeared to be individual congregations, not part of any mainstream church. My favourite was The Spiritual Lighthouse of the Miracle Deliverance Inc. I’ve included the sign on their building but it might be hard to read.

Brunswick GA church

It was actually warm enough for us to have lunch in the cockpit today. We’re pretty sure this was the first time on the trip that we’ve been able to do this. We’ve either been en route during lunch or it’s been too cold to eat outside. Minor boat maintenance for Bob today, just cleaned out the engine water intake strainer, no minnows this time, just a small weed.

Had dinner at a Thai restaurant in historic downtown. There is a train track close to the marina and we’ve seen a couple a freight trains go by. As we were returning from dinner getting close to to the tracks we heard the train, then saw it stopped quite close to where we cross the tracks. Luckily it didn’t start to move again until about 10 minutes later. I had visions of having to wait on the other side for it to pass.

Off to an early start tomorrow to transit Jekyll Creek at high tide, another major shoaling area.

One Reply to “Day 74 – Nov 18, 2017 – Brunswick, GA”

  1. I’m shoal you’llbe alright.
    It has been my experience, that every southern town of any size has segregated districts that are nearly 100% African American. Sometimes all one has to do is cross a street and things change demographically. The one thing they all have in common is CHURCHES!

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