Mouton so named because a sheep fell of Champlain’s ship here in 1604.

Woke up to fog and went to the bakery for a delicious breakfast.

After 10am the fog was clearing so off we went only to be met by very thick fog near the river’s mouth. Thank goodness for AIS and radar as we came near several boats moving in the opposite direction to us, several very close. Visibility was less than 2 boat lengths. The visibility increased to a 1/4 mile in the afternoon and finally clearing mid-afternoon.
We passed West Berlin and East Berlin (don’t ask me I have no idea), Coffin Island and near our anchorage Massacre Island.
By this time 4:30 or so the fog had returned. We carefully felt our way through shoals, rocks and small islands. This would have ended badly without a chart plotter and radar: don’t try this at home w/o them. Luckily the visibility increased to about 100 yards once we entered the cove and dropped the anchor.