We said so long to Rock Hall around 9am and expected to mostly motor the 17nm to Annapolis but there was more wind than forecast – quelle surprise – and we sailed about half way there.

That was probably a good thing as there was lot of white smoke coming out of the exhaust. Once we started motoring again just before we went under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, we went a bit slower and there wasn’t as much smoke.
Much dodging of clam pots ensued before we got really close to the harbour. Our plan was to first get fuel and then go to our slip. Chris was ahead of us and was looking for the fuel dock at our marina as we were still slowly making our way through the anchorage and mooring field – there were a lot of boats in both. Chris ended up at the Annapolis City Fuel dock and we followed him. Neither of saw the fuel dock at the marina as it was blocked by a 131′ motor yacht. We figure the marina is making more money from its docking fees than it would for fuel sales.
We are surrounded by large motor yachts including one called Winning Putt. I Googled it, it’s privately owned, so not a charter boat but there was a post about some top US golfers being on it somewhere in the Caribbean.
These yachts are being cleaned everyday by young men, polishing all the bright work including the anchors. The harbour has little floating platforms these guys use to work on the lower part of the hulls.

We’re having dinner with Tristan at our old Annapolis favourite, The Boathouse. The Boatshow opens tomorrow.