Ah yes, that famous expression, weather permitting. We had hoped to anchor for a few days at a nearby cay but the winds did not permit. We thought of first of going to anchor at Marsh Harbour but it’s not exactly a quiet picturesque anchorage which is what we wanted. We decided to stay at the marina and explore Man-O-War Cay some more – good decision.
We woke up to dark threatening skies but it looked like we could make it to the coffee shop before it started to rain although we could hear thunder on the way there, it’s a very short walk. What a great little shop, lots a baked goods, good coffee. We ended up sitting with Agnes, who has been wintering on the island for 16 years. She’s in her late 70s and although her husband died a few years ago, she still comes to the island and rents the same place, near the narrows, that she and her husband used to rent from an American university professor.

We toured the little museum that is attached to the coffee shop. Meanwhile the thunder we heard earlier had turned into thunder, lighting and pouring rain. It was at this point Bob said, “I don’t think I closed the companionway door” – oops. By the time we finished touring the museum the rain had almost stopped so went back to the boat. Yup, the companionway door was open as was the hatch in the head. The PC that sits on the chart table was open but luckily the rain coming in just missed it. Lots of water on the floor partway in and also in the head but we got it all mopped up pretty fast.

The forecast said there was more rain coming in the afternoon so we stayed close by. Bob filled the water tanks, we’re trying to minimize putting in Marsh Harbour’s desalinated water. And true to the forecast, it rained again in the afternoon so the deck is well and truly rinsed.